The current state of the literature on this topic is in Flux. What is almost universally agreed upon is that AF is highly correlated as a risk factor for
However, the data on the same correlation in using
WARFARIN as an oral
anticoagulant as a risk factor for dementia is not nearly as clear though it has been suggested.
Take a look at this link which talks and calculates the amount of Vitamin K in coconut oil which is known to interfere with INR readings and decrease coumadin's effectiveness. However, the amount of coconut oil needed to raise K levels significantly is so much that I doubt that judicious use would cause a problem.
Coconut oil's ability to TREAT dementia is also a controversial point at best but it is a healthy type of oil so there's no downside to using it unless the person is ALLERGIC to coconut.
Check out the link and then, ask your doctor for sure but I do not believe the use of coconut oil for the purposes of cooking etc can significantly impact Vitamin K levels in the bloodstream to make it strictly contraindicated in patients on coumadin.
Just don't let him have 1285.71 teaspoons which is what one would need daily to get the USDA's recommended daily value of Vitamin K and he'll be fine!
The trick to eating foods with Vitamin K (and coconut oil has Vitamin K) while on coumadin is that once a person gets to a stable INR the amount of Vitamin K actually ingested on a day to day basis should remain relatively the same in order to avoid problems to the INR. Stability is the key.
Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Dr. Dariush Saghafi,