Hello, and i hope I can help you today.
First of all, if your
pregnancy test is positive, you likely are pregnant, especially if your previous tests were negative. Pregnancy symptoms vary widely between women, but the most reliable sign of pregnancy is missing your period. The bleeding you had after taking the morning after pill is a normal side effect, and does not count as your period. Over-the-counter
pregnancy tests are as accurate as those done in a doctor's office. The morning-after pill only prevents pregnancy 90 percent of the time, and if you had unprotected sex before and after you took the morning-after pill, you could have conceived at another time in your cycle. A blood pregnancy test can be done in a doctor's office to confirm 100 percent if you are pregnant, however, it is doubtful the urine test was wrong if you performed it correctly.
The best way to proceed is to see an
OBGYN doctor and they can send you for an
ultrasound, which will help confirm when conception took place. The earlier an ultrasound is performed during pregnancy, the more accurate it is. The ultrasound can confirm your conception date within 5 days accuracy.
If your plan is to keep the pregnancy, you should purchase and begin taking
prenatal vitamins, or
folic acid at least 400 mg/day, as this vitamin has been shown to reduce the risk of birth defects.
I hope this information was helpful and i wish you the best of luck with the pregnancy,
DR. Brown