Hi, My roommate woke up with bug bites about 2 weeks ago. We had our place inspected for bed bugs twice, once the week of and yesterday (two weeks later). Both inspections were negative. This last week, he had started seeing more bumps again with some between his fingers. His doctor was not sure what it was but recommended and proscribed scabies medication cream for him to use. I have never come into contact with his skin nor have I used any of the same towels, sheets, etc... The closest I have been to him is on the couch where we each have our own seat and we never sit in the other s seat. I haven t sat down next time him or even been in the same room as him for a couple days as we have been busy with different schedules. I have no itching, no red bumps, no signs at all. Do I need to get a prescription for the cream treatment as well or am I okay?