Hi there.
I read our issues with interest & empathise with you.
However, I too am confused with your 2 doctors' suggestions'.
Acne has varying grades; how old are you; economic status & environmental factors? Use of cosmetics? other siblings etc with similar issues?
All these questions need be addressed & a visual welcome prior to giving you any piece of concrete advice.
Acne treatment is tailor made for an individual.
From your description alone, I would have recommended you apply a cream called Epiduo (contains 2 substances..
benzoyl peroxide &
adapalene) from a company called Galderma. Apply a teeny weeny bit on the lesions in the evenings at 7 pm & take care not to apply or smear your face as it may irritate it. Use this for 2 weeks as a first line treatment & then take it from there.
I for one don't have much faith in Nadoxin as a front runner in management of acne albeit it is a good antibiotic.
Skin resurfacing & cosmetic procedures' et al I would leave for the time after we have addressed the primary problem of acne per se & let us deal with the 'sequelae' after.
A lot of doctors' nowadays push for surgeries & procedures to offset the cost of their equipment etc & a scientific ethical approach is practiced by a few.
Please use this HCM site to source a doctor close to you. If in Bangalore or close by, please feel free to drop in for a consult to Vikram Hospital, Bangalore anytime.
Trust I have given you a clear honest answer & wish you a clear countenance soon!
Best Regards,
Dr Praveen Rodrigues MD