Gynacologist has identified my disease as Uterus cancer before the Surgery and the Oncologist has confirmed as Ovarian cancer on the 2nd of October' 2009. It was stage IV and grade III. I underwent Laparotomy surgery (both uterus & ovarian removed) and then followed by chemotheraphy. I have completed all 6 chemos on the 10 of Feb' 2010.
My CA 125 report before the Surgery is 2750 U/ml, 3 weeks after the surgery is 385 U/ml(ie,before chemo), before the fourth chemo is 32.9 U/ml and after the 5th chemo is 15.4 u/ml.(it should be less than 21 according to the Lab.
After that my CA 125, ultra sound scan and blood reports were normal up to Jan' 11. CA 125 reading is 76.90 as on 02/04/11. went for CT scan (chest, abdomen and pelvis) on 18/04/11 and the impression is as follows:
Enlarged fatty liver
Large incisional hernia of bowel
no features of a recurrent or residual tumour.
CA 125 is 112 as on 04/05/11. do I need to go for chemo or PET scan? it is not available in Sri Lanka. how can I do it at Adaiyar cancer hospital. pl guide.