USG of whole Abdoman shows 1. Bulky Uterus 2. Fluid in POD 3. Small ovarian cysts- ? Functional.
USG of Transvaginal study shows UTERUS- Uterus is anteverted and slightly bulky in size with normal shape, outline, diffusely heterogenous myometrial echotexture and small clear midline cysts at the fundus. Endometrial cavity is in midline location and well commapsed. Midline endometrium is prominent in thickness (12.7 mm), uterine cavity is empty. Uterus measures 85.0X 52.3 mm.
ADNEXA - clear
Ovaries :- Both ovaries are prominent in size with small clear cysts. Cyst containing internal debris is seen in left ovary measuring 19.2X 18.8. Right ovary measures 34.2 X 20.6 mm, left ovary measures 35.7X 27.6 mm.
P O D ;- No free fluid is seen in POD.
Impression:- Slightly bulky uterus with features of adenomyosis. Small cysts in both ovaries, Endometriotic cysts in both ovaries, Prominent endometrium, Nabothian cyst in cervix, Mild collection in cervical canal
Report of CA-125, Result-16.9, Unit- U/ml, Reference Range (less than 35.0)
Please suggest whether it can be cured by medicine or any other means. Suggest opinion.