Hello, I take Seroquel 50 mg. along with Ambien 10 mg and 3 or 4 Limbitrol DS tablets ( generic of course) and Seroquel does not put me to sleep. If I use Ambien l & 1/2 pills that will put me to sleep. Limbitrol keeps me sleeping fairly well and NO I do not have hangovers. Seroquel is an expensive drug for the doughnut hole. My doctor cannot believe I have no Hangovers. I have even drove to the Emergency Room at 3:00 AM after using Ambien and 4 Limbitrol. He keeps trying different pres. with the Ambien, nothing works except 1 & 1/2 pills of Ambien along with the Limbitrol usually 4 pills. Dr. P is a Phyic (sp) doctor and runs the Phyic Wards at 2 hospital. We know that he cannot write a scrip for 1 1/2 pills for Ambien BUT you might suggest another med that I can try. Of course, I would discuss with Dr. P. Thank you for your time, Ruby Brown AZ Question: I m curious as to what is your take on this?