So I ended up in the ER last night (symptoms started about 22 hours ago, I went in about 19 hours ago) as I started having what turned out to be an allergic reaction. I was taking a bunch of different medicines for cold such as Robitussin and Advil Cold Sinus (not overlaping much, though) and started having trouble swallowing mechanically, though I could swallow food and water. I also started developing dry mouth. It caused me to have a mild panic attack. I also developed a rash on my shoulders neck and face. They put me on steroids and Benedryl and discharged me a few hours later. The problem I am having is that I still am having trouble swallowing and have dry mouth, and it's scary as I keep worrying it will get worse and my throat will close up. The doctors at the ER didn't seem very concerned, but is there a way to make the swallowing problems and dry mouth go away? I keep panicking and really want to get some sleep.