I was on Microgynam for 21 days, and then put on Mercilon for 21 days after the emotional side effects became too much on the former. However, I have been bleeding constantly through both sets of pills, despite taking them at the same time each day. The bleeding got heavier with Mercilon, and for weeks I have had what feels like a light period every day. The last two weeks it has got heavier still. Is this normal? I am coming off it tomorrow as I also have strong feelings of anger, depression, anxiety, aches, constant mild cramps and enlarged sore breasts. I know I should give it three months, but it is affecting my life to the point where I feel I can t function and am concerned about my mental state. I have never felt so low before, and am normally quite a calm and rational person, so can only attribute it to the pill. Any advice would be much appreciated!