Hello, and I hope I can help you today.
It is not unusual for your period to become very light after being on birth control for a while, especially a low dose pill like
Oralcon. Also even though you take the pill the same time every day, it doesn't necessarily have to come on the same exact day or time every month, as long as there is some bleeding during the placebo week you do not have to worry about
pregnancy. I am sure the amount of blood flow you see this cycle will increase as you wait a little longer.
If you did not miss any pills, you were protected this cycle from pregnancy, even if you are having unprotected sex regularly.
So I really do not think you need to worry and you should start your new pack on time when it is due. If it would reassure you, you can do a urine pregnancy test, but what you experienced is completely normal and not unusual when taking birth control.
I hope I adequately answered your question and that this information was reassuring to you.
Best wishes, Dr. Brown