It seems that you are having pressure urticaria.
If it occurs immediately after pressure, it should not be confused with dermatographism.
It should not be confused with vasculitic urticaria., in which the lesion remains for long time, more than 48 hours.
There may be
severe itching, tingling and numbness and pain in pressure urticaria.
If it occurs after 4 to 6 hours, then it is considered delayed pressure urticaria.
You should attempt to limit pressure stimuli.
The results of pharmacologic treatment of delayed pressure urticaria (DPU) are somewhat disappointing.
Besides antihistamines, you may use systemic
corticosteroids, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), colchicine, dapsone,
sulfasalazine, montelukast, chloroquine, cyclosporine,
intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg), and omalizumab.
Consult a dermatologist or allergist for evaluation for other causes of urticaria.
I hope you might be satisfied with my answer.
Dr. Ilyas Patel MD