I have what I think is a severe case of psoriasis or eczema . It started several years ago on my hands. They swelled up and began to crack. this was very painfull. Over the next couple of years my condition would get better then much worse. I saw acouple of dermatoligists who would treat me with creams or steroid injections . I finally found a product called Psorasin which is a topical coal tar ointment which worked very well on my hands wrists and forearms, but lately my skin conditon has appeared on my legs. it includes itching, scaling and the secretion of a clear sticky liquid. I have a history of both food and animal allergies. My food allergies have also come and gone, ie...i used to eat eggs and throw them up withing a couple of hours when i was young, and now they are one of my favorite foods. similar situations with pork and milk. I also have Asthma and feel that these two conditions might be playing off of eachother as I was recently atmitted to my local ER for an asthma attack ( which hasn t happened in over 10 years) and treated with a high dose of prednisone and both my Asthma and psoriasis/eczemza symptons cleared up almost completely. I am now off of the prednisone and my skin condition on my knees, calves, ankles, and feet has come back even worse. what can I do to stop my suffering?