As you have told that you have
urticaria, it is an allergic condition. This allergic condition is due to many factors external and internal factors.
Animal allergy, dust, pollens, medications and different types of food articles. Apart from this emotional
stress, extreme
cold or sun exposure and excessive perspiration can sometime lead to urticaria.
So form this you can understand that this is an allergic type of disease and the main culprit in this is the allergen which is causing this problem. The best treatment can be that you can find what allergen is causing this, and you can keep yourself away from this allergen and you will not required any drug treatment. But many times this is not possible to find the exact allergen and you have to take some antiallergic (antihistaminic) medication.
The drug dynolap which you are taking is an antihistaminic and mast cells stabilizer (mast cell is responsible for the release of
histamine which causes features of urticaria) can prevent you from the episode of urticaria. Zentac is an antiulcer drug and it has not much role in prevention of urticaria.
Other non medical measures to save you from the episode of urticaria is to avoid hot baths or showers and avoid irritating the area with tight-fitting clothing.
Apart from antihistaminic other medications are also used depending upon the severity of episode and some time it can be life threatening. So be careful always for this. And try to find out what thing is exactly causing you this problem and try to avoid this.
Thanks and take care.