hello..thanks for your query..
From the medications advised to you and the nature of rashes,I feel that you have something knows as Chronic
Urticaria.It is common condition with frequent exacerbations and remissions.In most cases,a direct cause is not identified.However a combination of correct anti histaminic tablets for a few months help in reducing the severity and frequency of these
Start application of a soothing anti pruritic
calamine lotion to relieve the itch.If you are not, please take oral anti histaminics for the itch and hives .the small bruises come up in ceratin people f you scratch vigorously, especially on delicate areas like inner thighs, However if you feel it is widespread ,
Prednisone might need to be stopped.
In certain cases a few bood tests are advised to rule out ant internal causation of the hives.especially if this has been going around for more than a month, it is wise to have a few blood and stool tests done before the onset of therapy..Do not worry,although symptoms and treatment course of urticaria is prolonged,these do not pose any danger in most people!
Hope this helps..take care.