Hi thanks for writing here.Normal
moles are usually a single colour, round or oval in shape and not larger than 6mm (1/4 inch) in diameter. Melanomas (cancerous mole) are more likely to have an irregular shape, be more than one colour, and are often larger than 6mm (1/4 inch) in diameter. A melanoma may also be itchy and may bleed.
A good way to tell the difference between a normal mole and a melanoma is to use the ABCDE checklist:
A stands for asymmetrical – melanomas have two very different halves and are an irregular shape.
B stands for border – unlike a normal mole, melanomas have a notched or ragged border.
C stands for colours – melanomas will be a mix of two or more colours.
D stands for diameter – unlike most moles, melanomas are larger than 6mm (1/4 inch) in diameter.
E stands for enlargement or evolution – a mole that changes characteristics and size over time is more likely to be a melanoma.
In your case it may be possible that a trauma may occured to your mole and it may be infected,also after applying bandage it started itching ,so first just remove bandage ,apply antibiotic cream over area,take antiallergy tablets like
avil for 5 days ,but if still no response then better
consult a dermatologist.