I ve had ongoing headache , ear, and jaw pain since before a root canal/crown back in February. The jaw pain is worse since the dental work and when I went back to the oral surgeon he suggested I may have TMJ in addition to a possible neuroma on a nerve in my jaw. That was in May and he wanted to wait a few weeks. I am in constant pain, and I get some radiating soreness into my throat and neck. The last month or so my neck has been increasingly worse so I saw a chiropractor and my masseuse worked on my neck quite a bit afterwards. It feels better but is still quite tender, especially at the base of the scull at about mid-ear level. Is this pretty classic TMJ stuff? I should also note I ve been very itchy lately and not sure whether that has anything to do with it, but it is mostly on my back and upper arms, but there is no rash .