Hi! My name is Lisa. I am 51 yrs. old. I had a tubaligation 28years ago and the Novasure procedure 2 years ago this past July. I had left hip surgery in March of this year. I am having excruciating pelvic pain, hip and back pain and pain that radiates down my leg. I had a pelvic ultrasound on Thursday and I have a pocket of blood in my uterus and a hemorrhagic cyst on the right ovary. Could I have post-ablation-tubal sterilization syndrome? What would be the course of medical treatment for me? The pain is really bad, nothing helps. Vicoden isn t helping at all, I have a compounded pain crème and that s not helping either. I am at the end of my rope with the pain! I have an appointment on Monday for an endometrial biopsy? Will this help my pain? No, correct? Is hysterectomy the only option? Lisa