After making some more healthful changes to my diet (less acidic, more alkaline foods) and adding several supplements (more coconut oil, fish oil caps, liquid chloraphyll and, more recently, tumeric caps), I ve developed an on and off light burning pain just under my right rib cage. I m assuming it s a liver issue, but I developed this sensation just after actively working to clean and detox that organ , as well as others. For the last week I ve been drinking a glass of prune juice in the morning, as I ve always heard that it s a great natural detoxer. I m determining to up my exercise, water intake (I m already pretty good with this one), and eat more fresh veggies/fruit (my diet overall is far better than the average American). This started about two weeks ago, and is non-painful. I ve also wondered if I could be a gall stone??? Thank you for your help.