I have had lower left abdominal discomfort, sometimes radiating toward lower left back, for several years now. Not too sure if it is bowel related but it is beginning to worry me now. I am a 38 yo male. There is a history of cancer in my family (fathers side) but nothing colon related as far as I know. I do NOT have rectal bleeding. Occasional gas. Occasional soft, not loose, stools. Does not appear to have blood in the stools.
There is another odd symptom as well. A cramping discomfort that seems to be in same location during ejaculation. Just before ejaculating I get a cramp on lower left abdominal area and radiates toward back. Not sure what this is.
When I was 19 I became infected with camphylobacter (spelling) and was hospitalized for a week. Had bloody stool at that time and was very sick. I'm sure there is colon scarring from that.
Otherwise I am fairly healthy. No abnormal fatigue to speak of. Play tennis a couple times a week. Work every day.
Any information you may have to ease my mind would be great.
Thank you,