Hi, thanks for using healthcare magic
There are different types of cysts that can occur in the breast, in most cases they are benign (non cancerous), however it is not advisable that you continue trying to puncture it. Any procedure that involves
drainage or removal of cysts should be done under sterile conditions to reduce the chances of infection; gloves, antiseptic/cleaning solution is used and sterile medical equipment.
There are bacteria that exist on the skin than can be introduced into the tissues
There are some cysts that have blood in them but the blood may also be due to injection into normal tissues in the breast, it would be difficult to say which was occuring.
It would be best to stop, clean the area with an antiseptic lotion or cream, keep your appointment at the breast clinic. You may have to consider visiting your doctor earlier if any signs of infection occur (
fever, swelling, increased warmth of area,
redness or discharge)
Hope this helps