A couple of months ago, I found a long, narrow lump on the right side of my chest about an inch under the clavicle bone. Over a couple of weeks, the size decreased to defined lump about the size of a grape , and has remained this size. It is very hard, and feels as if it is a bone, even though it probably is not. It is always tender to touch, but is more painful at times than others. I am beginning to have more pain in my ribs, along with occasional swelling (not in the lump itself, but the surrounding tissue ) across the chest and under my right arm pit, but I don t notice swollen lymph nodes. New symptoms (which may be totally unrelated to this) are a deep cough, and pressure, as if someone is standing on my chest, and some shortness of breath while doing my normal, every-day activities. I am prone to upper-respitory infections, so this may be unrelated. I have also had esophagitis , and take Nexium daily for pretty sever acid- reflux . I will be 42 soon, am female, and basically healthy (other than the above concerns). thanks for your help and insight!