Welcome to HCM. I do realise your anxiety about your report and diagnosis.
The findings of the MRI are a bit serious and you must pay attention to the advice of your surgeon.
You'd probably already know that our spine consists of
vertebral bones and cartilaginous disks. The hard bones provide the spine with strength, while the more flexible cartliaginous component (i.e. disks) provide the spine with agility and flexibility for movement. Sometimes, a disks can be broken or displaced. Such a displaced or broken disk can then very easily compress the
spinal cord or the nerves that branch out from, interfering in the normal functioning of these nerves, leading to an array of symptoms including pain, numbness,
tingling, etc.
This is what has happened in your case, and, unfortunately, it has happened in rather a bad way. Part of a disk (called the "L1-L2" disk) has broken and the fragment is now lodged at some distance from its original location. Quite expectedly, it's pressing upon the spinal cord and adjacent nerves. The fragment cannot be called "small" in the context of the
spinal canal, and the worrying point is that, since it has broken away from its parent disk, it does not have a blood supply and so will soon "rot". That will cause significant harm.
So, you should quickly
consult a spine surgeon / neurosurgeon /
orthopaedic surgeon who deals with this kind of problems and follow their advice. I think they will suggest surgical removal of the broken fragment. That operation has to be done under
general anaesthesia (G/A) in most cases, so you will not feel any pain at all. After that, you may have to follow the advice of a physiotherapist.
I hope the matter is clarified to you and you now know what you have to do. If you have further queries, I'd be too glad to answer — just click "ask me a question" above.