Migraine all day...slept all night, all day..was fine yesterday..I m 34. Stiff neck , pain..worse if I turn my head. Right shoulder pain all the way down my right arm...feels numb..shakes at times. My spine in the middle of my back feels like someone sticking a pen into it. Face feels like its on fire..goes away then I get cold chills, then I m on fire again. It doesn t feel like the flu ..I had a little rash on my right arm but its not open or inflamed its just like two small dots. I feel dehydrated, drinking a lot..dry mouth, chapped lips . I still feel exhausted and I haven t done anything to feel this way...worse ive felt ever..felt like throwing up 5. times today but didn t, felt like passing out 3 times but just layed back down and fell to. sleep. Debating on going to the er..dark stools..never felt this bad ever! What could it be? Blurry vision, confusion, right now feeling just good enough to ask this question. I know I need an antibiotics but I just never experienced this kind of illness so quick especially with the back and arm pain, neck pain . Its coming back strong again..excedrine migraine isn t working either..I never take meds. Something major is wrong. I need help..thanks.