Hello, Take care of your skin. Any measure that prevents
injury to your skin will help to prevent
cellulitis. Use moisturizers to keep your skin from becoming dry and cracked.
Elevate your affected leg or arm to reduce swelling.
Apply warm compresses to the affected area.
Use pain relievers as needed.
Use support stockings to prevent fluid buildup.
Take steps to treat or prevent fungal infections, such as athlete's foot. If athlete's foot is hard to treat or recurs, ask your doctor about
oral antifungal medicines. For more information on treating this condition, see the topic Athlete's Foot.
Take care of your feet, especially if you have
diabetes or other conditions that may increase the risk of infection.
Avoid touching possible sources of infection, such as ill family members and their belongings; raw fish, meat, or poultry; or soil, particularly when you have an area of broken skin. Regards.