Hello. I am 48 years old and have been experiencing pre menopause symptoms for some time now. Within the last two years, I have been experiencing SEVERE mood swings like I never imagined anybody could. This includes crying out of the blue, like a baby and there is no ceasing it. Also SEVERE angry outbursts at anyone and everyone, including towards myself, and those alike are non-stoppable. I feel evil, ashamed and remorseful, but it doesn't end. These 'swings' come and go, whenever, and have debilitated me greatly and put much stress on my relationship; they have also had an effect on how I feel about myself. I have been in treatment with a Psychiatrist and Psychologist and on medication. I have recently been diagnosed with BPD. I cannot help but wonder though if it is not more hormone related since I have never been this way before this stage of my life. Any thoughts are greatly appreciated. Thank you.