Thanks for the query.
Intra uterine
contraceptive devices can present with symptoms like intermenstrual spotting, brownish discharge,
abdominal pain etc.
Usually these symptoms can be seen during the early weeks of insertion.
But some women may have later also.
And also women with IUCDs are more prone for
pelvic infection.
So when you consult your gynecologist this time, go for pelvic examination, vaginal swab culture and sensitivity and
By examination and these investigations the possibility of pelvic infection can be identified.
If there are signs of pelvic infection, you need to take course of antibiotics.
If there are no signs, symptomatic treatment may sufficient.
And possibly the symptoms will subside soon.
If intermenstrual spotting recurs you may need additional dose of hormones for some time to correct it.
Take care.