I am a 60 years old male, married with children, now separated. My tonsils were removed at the age of 10/12 years. However, my throat usually becomes infected, soar. In 1979 a small swelling gland in my neck, appeared behind left ear, had been removed by surgery. Its biospy report indicated " tubercle formation, alongwith langhan"s tupe of giant cells" . After that whenever my throat get soar, I got swelling in my neck where I was operated. Another small gland appeared there which swells when throat becomes soar. Since then I periodically uses antibiotics or homeopathetic medicines whenever I feel swelling in my neck gland. My digestive sysem does not remain in order. Usually dysentry, loose motion, constipation occures form time to time. In addition, heart palpitation is also a problem. My heart beat becomes fast when I use any medicines. I took Inderal for a long time to control it.
Now I hv got ultra sound for my neck last month.The report is: " No cervical lymphadenopathy. Slightly heterogeneous left lobe of thyroid with few tine hypoechoic nodules measuring few mm within it".
In 2001 , the reulst of my T3& T4 serum test is as under:
T3 3.1 nmol/L
T4 a4.2 ug/dl
Serum TSH 0.729 uIu/ml
Pl advise my disease.