Suffering from Chronic Sinusitis Infection for past 6 weeks (post nasal drip, painful swollen glands, stuffy nose, face pressure, tooth pressure, general malaise and fatigue). Third sinus infection in last 12 months. Original treated by PMD with 21 days on Augmentum Flonase and Allegra D. Still wasnt feeling well so I went for an ENT consult. ENT put me on Levaquin for 10 days and sent me for CT Scan. ENT exam and CT revealed deviated septum with 90% right sided nasal blockage, possible bone spur? in nasal cavity, enlarged turbinates and narrow opening max and ethmoid . ENT recommending septoplasty, turninate reduction and sinus balloon. Scheduled in 8 weeks. I was also allergy tested and test positive for 38/40 tested environmental allergens. I was advised to begin allergy shots, get my house allergen free, drink plenty of fluids and use saline nasal irrigation to relieve symptoms until surgery. My concern is getting through the next 8 weeks feeling as bad as I do. My post nasal drip and swollen glands are unbearable. Im also super tired. I am also experiencing some intermittent palpitations (im very anxious) Do I just have to suck it up and get through the next 8 weeks? Anything else I can do ( I was advised against using Decongestants and long term use of Flonase)? Do I need a second opinion? Just wondering if I am on the right track.