hi.my name is minu.its all most 17 to 18 days i m having problem in my left hand.1st day i was feeling like i can fold my left 1st finger(only one finger).then i applyed some move,volini sprey.but it wont work at all.then the pain was worse like hell.it spreed toword my thumb and wrist.then i m now unable to turn my wrist.for 10 days.sometimes it s feeling like current is going upward to my arm,with l ittle towards my heart .i felt 4 times pinched heart in same time the current flow.the pain was hell.i took a pain killer now some how i got relief.and little little pain is their when i m trying to twist my wrist.their is little little current like feel.this is my story foe now.few month back i had a symptoms like trauma.my hand got spriped,my topal body was tingling for 4 hrs.i went to docters took medication.all the test were normal.after that problem i m feeling tried when i walk in stair case,i can t walk long.its feeling like my muscle are weak,i need water,very very weak.i was never feel like this before the trauma.so i need my answer.