I have dull numbness and tingling on my left side. My tongue , face, leg, arm , the entire left side. It has been going on for 3 years, and is constant. The other day my left arm got especially weak, tingly, and shaky. I looked down at my hand , and there was a rectangle about 2in by 3in on my hand that was a yellowish/green color. I went to urgent care, and he didn t know what it was. I should also note that I was diagnosed with a typical migraines when the symptoms started. I don t get any headaches, I just get the unilateral numbness and tingling. The Neuro doctor that I saw, said it should go away within a few weeks, or a couple months. It s been three years now, and with this extra symptom that I had happen the other day, I just want to know what s going on.