Hi, About a month ago I started going on birth control (Micrognyon), a couple of weeks after I developed a very painful kidney infection . When my GP put me on anti biotics it began to leave my body, however it still wasn t fully gone, so the doctor put me back on the same Anti Biotics ( Penicillin ). However, when I was off the anti biotics, I began drinking alcohol again and sleeping with my partner again and it has seemed to return again! Although it is no way near as bad as it was, my side is very painful and it stings a little bit to urinate. I first slept with my partner in August and through the August/September time I was absolutely fine when he was using protection with no problems. I am starting to think it is something to do with my birth control pills. Do you think I should come off the pill for a month and start to use protection? Or perhaps change to another pill? I would greatly appreciate your help Thanks, Katie Lillywhite