Hi, My Period is due to 13 Sep. I have a 27-day cycle with last menses was on 17 Sep. Since the past week, I have experienced extreme lethargy, sleepiness, passing a lot of gas and felt as if I m going get flu . Also, my breasts were feeling really tender, and the sides of my breasts were very sore. then I started noticing blue veins on one side of my chest leading to the breast, and the other side then appears. 2 days ago, I noticed a streak of tissue-like blood when I wiped myself. Then yesterday, I notice brown spotting, which followed by pinkish watery discharge . I was feeling dizzy and had a dull back pain for a couple of hours. Then as I wiped myself, I see more blood, which to my surprise, it didn t flow down onto my pad. When I woke p from my nap which was at least 3-4 hours later, my pad remains the same, but there were some small of amount sort of blood clot that flow out when I was in the toilet. Also i experiend stinging pain on one side of my breast while asleep. this doesn t look like my normal kind of period. Plus my breasts are still swollen And heavy. Is this normal?