Hi friend,
Welcome to Health Care Magic
You need to be investigated for Coronary
Artery Disease.
Blood pressure and
heart rate should rise during the stress test! A quick elevation is often due to
Anxiety reaction, in such circumstances…
If TMT (Treadmill Exercise ECG) is positive (suggests
ischemia), it is an indication for further work up – because at times, there may be false positive or false negatives. The next step is TMT with thallium isotope. It is the ideal non-invasive way to evaluate ischemia / to assess the PHYSIOLOGY (function) – to see whether the blood arriving at the heart muscle.
If there is a suggestion, the next step is to see the ANATOMY (structure) – undergo catheterisation and coronary
angiography with a view for possible intervention. It is the only way to directly ‘see’ the block, if any – and its location, extent, severity and so on. Coronary arteriography is invasive but it is the gold standard for this. [CT angio is non-invasive study for the anatomy. If positive, she will need catheterisation, anyway.]
Heart failure is just one of the several causes for leg swelling. If you don’t have other symptoms, heart may not be responsible for this! This may be from
chronic venous insufficiency of the lower limb veins… a Doppler study may clarify…
More tests are necessary depending on the clinical situation...
A cardiologist can assess and help further.
Discuss with your doctor
Take care
Wishing all well
God bless
Good luck