I ve been walking on my sore left leg for 4 weeks. I thought is was a stress fracture , but was not sure.Not sure how I cracked it. Had my ted stocking on that I normally wear and a 6inch ace wrap from foot up. No problems except swelling . Finally got diagnosis of nondisplaced tibal fracture on left up a bit from ankle area, with MRI films I m in a walking boot with crutches. Supposed to be non-weight bearing and I m doing my best, But at times I do need to take steps on it. What are the chances of just using walking boot, (no crutches) next visit Dec. 14th. My thoughts are been walking on it for 4 plus weeks and it s been ok. Just little pain at times medially, and some ankle swelling. I work normally on a busy Cardiac unit and can help in other ways on the floor. Just want to work in some way. Thanks. DLS