Thanks for posting,
I must say chest pain is not a very specific symptom and depending on the location of maximum pain could be due to any condition that affects any of the organs found on the chest i.e heart, lungs, gut, muscle and bone tissues etc. So saying, if you were a little more specific on which part of your chest is paining i.e retrosternally, right-sided, left-sided, just below the ribs etc I could be able to help more better with maybe the type of pain relief that could help.
Now, let me assume that by mentioning stomach pain you also meant that your chest pain was along the retrosternal region of your chest, then we could be dealing with oesophagitis or gastritis even though the endoscopy would have showed something. In that case, you might require taking specific medications for the oesophagitis or gastritis such as H2 inhibitors such as ranitidine or
proton pump inhibitors such as
If the pain is left sided then this could be
angina pectoris or
myocardial infarction (unlikely) and in this case a medication such as aspirin or
nitroglycerin will get you better. If pain is due to
costochondritis, then antiinflammatory such as prednisone can also help.
Also important for your doctor to rule out
gallbladder disorders.
I believe if you consult an internist you might be able to get more help.
hope this helps