Dear Concerned.,
Thanks for writing to us.,
The location of the pain, is it centre of abdomen??Peri umbilical area? and the type of pain (???) colicky type indicates that the origin could be probably Gastrointestinal System.Are you also febrile as you are getting cold sweats?Are you suffering from recurrent
Constipation and any h/o difficulty in passing urine?
Pls check your temperature and pulse. In addition get the undermentioned common baseline investigations done at the earliest.,
(1)Stools for routine and Microscopy(2) Urinalysis-complete(3) Blood Counts including Hb%,TC,DC,ESR.
(4)USG Abdomen(to rule out
cholelithiasis as well if pain is in
epigastrium) and Pelvis.
As you have not been clinically examined., only Differential Diagnosis can be given at this stage.,
A) Dyspepsia;-Due to consumption of Non Fibre containing sticky and
soft diet ,enzymatic digestion getting delayed with distension and gas formation. The distension leads to stimulation of stretch receptors leading to pain in and around umbilicus.
B) Worm Colic;-Stool Tests will confirm whether it is due to Worms in intestines. Usually passage of small worms/eggs confirm the diagnosis.
C)Urolithiasis;-Demonstration of Oxalaturia /RBCs in Urine/ USG confirmation will ascertain the Diagnosis.
D)Spasmodic Dysmenorhoea;-During menses in unmarried girls Uterine congestion leads to Spasmodic Dismenorrhoea. USG Pelvis will reveal the exact reason.
E)Intense Pain around umbilicus with Vomitting and tenderness in Mc Burney's Point in lower right quadrant of abdomen with raised total WBC count indicates
Acute Appendicitis.
As a
first Aid measure you may take
Spasmolytic Medication such as DiCyclomine/Hyoscine Bytyl Bromide tablet with lots of oral fluids and antacid.
In addition please consult your MD at the ER for confirmatory diagnostic tests and treatment.
Wishing you a speedy recovery.,
Best Regards.,
Dr Lt Cdr ASN Bhushan.,