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Pain in the foot can be due to a problem in any part of the foot.
PLANTAR FASCITIS is the most common cause of heel pain. The plantar fascia , a brand of tough tissue connecting the heel bone to the toes, becomes irritated or inflammed. Heel pain, worst in the morning when getting out of bed , is the most common symptom. Arch pain may also be present.
HEEL SPURS are abnormal growths of bone on the bottom of the heel bone that may be caused by an abnormal gait , posture or walking, inappropriate shoes, or certain activities.
Spurs may cause foot pain while walking or standing. People with flat feet or high arches are more likely to have foot pain from heel spurs.
Occasionally , foot pain is caused by a pinched or irritated nerve. One type of pinched nerve or nerve entrapment , that is often seen in the foot is called
TARSAL TUNNEL SYNDROME as is characterized by shooting or burning pain that radiates from the inside [ big toe side ] of the ankle into the arch and sole.
Another common nerve problem with in the foot is a NEUROMA, which causes shooting pain between the toes- most often between toes three or four. Some medical conditions result in
peripheral neuropathy, which in
nerve damage to the limbs. Symptoms of neuropathy include pain that radiates to the feet, often worse at night.
Treatment options,
1.Rest is possible treatment. This is mainly applicable to the sports persons.
2.Perform self massage with wax contant oil.
3.Cold therapy or
Heat therapy can be helpful.
4.Apply creap bandage.
Weight management is essential.
6.Shoes with good
arch support and a cushioned sole.
7.Involve x-ray and
blood test