I have suffered from this for 1.5 years now. Started with pain on sinus area on my face and I thought I had an issue with my teeth so went to see a dentist who found nothing wrong. The pain also reflected to my forehead and pain in upper neck at the same time(all pain just on left side of my body). I was treated for sinustitis for 2 months till they did a scan and found nothing wrong with my sinus. This is when they started to think nerves are involved. I also get pain on the chest on the same side and lower down in my pelvis area. Pain also travels down on my left side of my back but at the beginning all the pain I had was on my cheek and upper neck, it seem to have travelled down both in my front and my back over the time I have had the issues. At the same time I have also developed a gag-reflex and when my face is bad, I gag and loose my appetite . It is almost like something is stimulating the throat and making me gag although I don t feel sick as such. The pains are all on one side and must be connected but the doctors don t seem to think they are. Blood tests came back ok, as did ultrasound of my lower stomach and they did test my heart too, no problems there. Had an xray of chest and nothing seen in it either. What should I be asking to get to the bottom of this? I have now seen a physio for nearly a year and it does seem to help a little but health insurance is no longer covering this. The pain does not really go away but I have this numb feeling in my face all the time and I am so used to living with it I only notice the rare days I have hardly any pain! The physio seemed to help on the level of pain and also the gag-reflex disappeared and that has returned now I m not able to see them weekly any more as has the pain in my lower stomach. I m now very fed up with being in pain and am also 10 weeks pregnant so need this to be sorted out as the pain makes me very tired and irritable and it is of course a worry.