Dear friend, thank you for choosing HCM.
if there pain , swelling,
stiffness of smaller joints like hands, feet etc and is more in the morning and easing in the evening,
it is likely an
rheumatoid arthritis.
pl. describe in greater detail about the symptoms. is there redness or
deformity of the joints?
can upload a picture of the hands when bad.(there is an uploader on this site).
you will need to seea
rheumatologist, get a check up, blood tests, ESR. RA factor, Anti CCP levels, Xray, ECG etc.
you will need anti inflammatory treatment under supervision.
till then try simpler painkillers like
paracetamol or ibuprofen if no contra-indication.
act on your doctor's advice.
I hope to have answered your query satisfactorily.
Take care and please keep me informed of your progress.
Good Luck !
May I request you to rate your experience here before you close.
Thank you.