I was stung with a dirty needle by a homeless person in Bucharest, a few cases like mine showed deases on people like AIDS, hepatites and ect, I made blood test at the day of the sting, another after month, 3 months, 6 months and last week which is 9 months. The results were all negative! I also had 3 hepatites shots. my concern is that lately I have some sores appearing on my tongue and lips and also feel pain in my throat but doesn't last long it comes and goes and now I have one on my lips which is leaking water but on it's way to dry and another on my lower lip from inside the mouth with pain under my left side jaw. Please tell me did I aquired HIV? Is it possible that the blood test doesn't show the HIV virus? One more thing the doc here put me to take Combivir pills for a whole month and I started to take those pills after 48 hours from the accident. Please tell me I am so much desperate.