Hi and thanks for the query.
anxiety created by the thought of your
infertility being affected is real.
Most women would feel same if place in your shoes.
retroverted normal sized
uterus poses no problem to fertility. It merely describes the position and size of the uterus
However, fibroids can. This depends on its location and size. If they are so big, they can interfere with
implantation. Also, if they are located closed to the opening of the fallopian tubes, the may interfere with the normal transportation of the
zygote to the uterus etc.
Am I asking you to go in for any treatment now? NO.
The reason is about 1/3 of women get fibroids during their fertile years. We only treat fibroids that cause problems like excessive bleeding, pain, disfigurement, infertility etc. So for now, keep your calm.
If fertility ever become a concern, then it may be further investigated but for now, consider it an incidental finding unless there are some other symptoms you have not reported to us.
Hope this helps.
Wish you good health and feel free coming back if need be.