i have a perfectly round black scab on the inner flap thingy of my ear. i thought it was a spider bite at first, and went to the doctor, who put me on antibiodics. the next day i noticed another mark on my chin . it started the same as my ear, little blisters that leaked clear liquid when broken, i went to the ER, and without doing any tests they told me i had shingles . they gave me another antibiodic. i have taken all meds, and the chin has cleared up, but the sore on my ear has grown a very solid, black scab on it that is a perfect circle, and looks like it is growing hair. what could this be?
It has been over a month, and the scab has fallen, leaving a circle scar on my ear, but my face has had random tingling and pain ever since this started. I have no money for a doctors vist, and i need some help please!