thanks for your query.
From your report, i suspect that the
pregnancy is a
missed abortion.
A missed abortion is an abnormal pregnancy that is destined to miscarry. About one in five early pregnancies will not survive. These will grow for a while, with HCG in the urine and serum, but eventually will stop growing normally, and then will stop growing at all. Most of these (two-thirds) will have abnormal chromosomes. Evidence of a missed abortion using high-resolution transvaginal scanning includes:
Absence of any growth of the
gestational sac or
fetal pole over a 5-day period of observation.
Absence of a visible fetal heartbeat when the CRL is greater than 5 mm.
Gestational sac larger than 12 mm mean diameter without visual evidence of a
yolk sac.
Yolk sac larger than 6 mm diameter
Yolk sac that is abnormally shaped or echogenic (sono dense rather than the normal sono lucent).
Loss of fetal cardiac activity that was previously seen..
To be on the safer side, your doctor would have prescribed support for the pregnancy and a repeat scan after a week would definitely confirm the diagnosis.
Take care.