Thanks for your question.
Symptoms of your's suggest Upper
Respiratory Tract infection.
I will to ask you certain questions:
Since when are these present from?
Are the symptoms associated with
Chest pain,Difficulty in Breathing,
Body ache,Nausea,Headache?
Well as you already have been on antibiotics and even on taking its full course the symptoms have not subsided.So,it can be either due to Viral cause or due to bacteria resistant to the antibiotic you have taken.
So i will suggest you to have certain investigations done:
Complete Blood count
Throat swab culture and sensitivity.
Chest X-ray.
Start taking antibiotics after the
throat culture report has come.
Maintain proper hygienic of oral cavity.
Warm saline or
Chlorhexidine gargle will be very effective.
Use expectorant.
Use Anti-Pyretics to relieve fever.
Even if the symptoms doesn't subside consult an ENT surgeon.
Wish you a fast recovery and a healthy life.
Best wishes.