I've been through major crisis and mental trauma the past year. I've gotten prescriptions for Alprazolam 1mg and Lazapem .5 mg. that are not refillable.
I'm having a hard time getting a doctor to give me a refillable prescription. I've been taking them for 3 months and They work extremely well for me. Without them I've had horrible anxiety attacks to the point the police come and I'm taken via ambulance to emergency room. I'm out of the pills and I'm so stressed out I don't know what to do. I've been in counseling for a year and a half. But it's not enough, my nerves are shot. My husband got a false order of protection against me last Christmas and I was exiled from my house and lost custody of our kids for 4 months. I won in court and I'm home now with my husband and I am struggling severely to cope with the situation. The order of protection was just one of many incidents the past year. I'm also a victim of mental and physical abuse that the city charged my husband with domestic violence with bodily harm. There's much more, but I need these pills to keep me normalized and calm. I have no past history of mental problems, drugs or alcohol, but my nerves are at end. Also, I have no insurance. I went to the county health clinic, but they would not refill my prescriptions.