Hi Karthic
Welcome to Health Care Magic , Thanks for writing to us.
Your history suggests that you have been diagnosed with
migraine since 2 years and have been prescribed
Sibelium 10mg since one year.
It has not been mentioned here the period of medication and if you are still on medication.
Migraine is a mild to moderate headache which most of the time is one sided
throbbing pain, associated with Nausea,
vomiting and visual disturbances( esp sensitive to light).
Migraine can be seen in alcoholics, smokers, in cases of
caffeine withdrawal, during stress and anxious state, loud noise, bright lights. ( If you have an exposure to any of these which triggers off the pain it would be helpful if you can avoid them).
Migraine can also be triggered by consumption of certain food items like processed and pickled food, chocolates, diary products, nuts. ( Observe as what could be the cause for your headache and try avoiding the food that triggers the pain).
Migraine often causes a
neck pain as the after effect of the headache.
As for treating migraine, the best solution would be to identify and avoid the triggering factor, and also taking analgesics. But excess intake of pain killers would give rebound pain also cause
liver damage.
Try some methods to be relaxed like meditations, or engage yourself in some activities and try to avoid the triggering factors.
Also try drinking lots of water to keep you hydrated in case you have vomiting during the attacks.
Get well soon.
Dr Srija