There are different type of
HEADACHES as below and I will try to explain it in simple terms
MIGRAINE - its a head ache which most has some kind of prodrome (factor/symptoms/feeling) which indicates the person that he will be going to have headache soon, mostly people say some kind of aura like lights/ nausea kind of feeling is mostly precedes the onset of headache
2) CLUSTER HEADACHE:- its a headache which is associated with watering in eyes/ nose , pain in eyes , pain associate with some intense light exposure like headache,Sweaty, pale skin (pallor) on the face, one sided headache may be on right or left side.
3) TENSION HEADACHE:- its a headache with band like headache means the hurting area seems like some has tied a band around the head and is very tight.
TEMPORAL ARTERITIS : its as headache whit jaw pain and hurt in single area of head,
Mostly from the description it seems like a "CLUSTER HEADACHE" OR "TEMPORAL ARTERITIS"
Now following are the cause that can lead to this kind of headache and needs to checked.
Headache NORMALLY DO NOT have any UNDERLYING DISEASE (90% case have no issues),
BUT in 10% cases headaches may occasionally indicate a serious underlying medical condition,
brain tumor or
b) rupture of a weakened blood vessel (aneurysm)
Well the best thing is to attain a piece of mind, and for that
Consult NEUROLOGIST (brain doctor)
Here is mostly they will do
1) do physical exam
2) will probably ask for MRI SCAN OF BRAIN,
3) May need carotid ultrasound/doppler and temporal artery biopsy if suspecting TEMPORAL ARTERITIS.
4) If nothing serious mostly 90% of case are with out danger they will give pain medications that is special for the type of cause (e.g- sumatraptin for migranes , so it will be different from normal
over the counter medication (available with out prescription) like
ibuprofen) so necessary to consult the physician
PLEASE do not be scared , there are 90% of headache and have no issue with any kind of brain problems but for the sake of safety and piece of mind MRI / CT Will be needed.
Hope it helps.