...i had a pill abortion on August 18th 2012...last month ...and i had passed the pregnancy tat night and bled heavily for a week..and after a week it has stopped and became light....today is 6th of september 2012 and madam,i am having a brownish discharge which is very pale ,without smell and it goes along vt urine occasionally...not continuous as well. and i have no pain or crampings now..is it normal???....i had an ultrasound scan after 2 weeks of abortion and they said there is no debris left inside my uterus ...and said i am ok....but i didnt consult my doctor after doing this ultrasound scan due to som reasons...(reason is nothing but i was away from city)...i got my ultrasound scan report few days ago . the scan report after 2 weeks of abortion says there is no intrauterine contents inside, endometrial surface is inhomogenous,,,anteverted uterus...rt and left ovary normal in shape with normal follicles,,no fluid in cul-de-sac,,,no evidence od adnexal mass ... y do i have this brownish discharge sometimes??...and is it normal??...in the scan repor they says the endometerial surface is inhomogenous....wat does tat mean??..i have gone through som articles and som are really geting me so confused...am kinda worried and i wud be grateful if u cud help me vt this.....thanks in advance....i m lookin forward to hear from u.....