My Father is 65 years old. he is having an inflamatory bowel disease since last 12 years. earlier, 12 yrs back, doctors thought that it is tuberclosis and he was given given complete anti tuberculosis treatment. he felt ok with it but after 10 monthsof the completion of treatment , he started feeling the problems again so after doing endoscopy, colonoscopy,doctors took it as crohn's disease and he was given the medication for the same. last year he had a fisher, which was removed by surgery. now, since last one month he is having fever in the range of 100*F to 102.5*F. all is blood tests for malaria, typhoid dengue are negative, stool occult is also negative, urin culture is Ok. his ESR is high. Is he suffering from tuberculosis of intestine? what should we do now. is intestinal tb contagious? is the treatment very difficulut?