I am on day 4 of a 5 day Z-pack (azithromycin) after being diagnosed with pustular tonsilitis. Rapid strep test was negative. Symptoms were ear pain for 2 weeks with sore throat for 4 weeks, feeling run down, intermittent cough, low grade fever . There was white material on my tonsils and Dr said antibiotic should work if bacterial, if worse come back and maybe do blood work but unlikely I have mono since I had it as a teenager. Today, my ear pain is worse, low grade fever is back, very tired and achy and I very tender in area of jaw hinge. I also noticed that I have small fluid filled blisters on my cheeks , gum and next to one tonsil. Also red spots (like blood blisters) on roof of mouth. There is tissue behind my tonsils that is swollen and also has white material. This morning my upper gums has a white film when I woke up. Should I wait it out in case it is viral or should I go back to the Dr in a couple days?